Archivert has been creating gardens inspired by garrigues gardeners since 1981.

Archivert has been creating gardens inspired by garrigues gardeners since 1981.

Archivert is passionate about plant life along with climate concerns in today’s evolving environment.

Archivert invites Nature into your universe.
 Our vocation is to create a personalised garden which you can enjoy and admire everyday throughout the year.
 We respect the biodiversity; our approach is environmentally friendly and contributes to the improvement of your universe.

Archivert takes care of designing, building and maintaining your garden.

A single specialized entity to imagine your project

With 40 years of experience, Archivert offers gardens designed with respect for the environment

Archivert accompanies you from the initial plan to the final realization in a personalized manner

We have not used any phytosanitary products or chemical fertilizers for over 20 years

As much as possible we favor the use of regional materials, the sand, gravel, pebbles and rocks come from local quarries.

The plant choice focuses on Mediterranean plants particularly adapted to wind and lack of water.

We offer you a plant palette rich in flowering, exceptional and diversified scents with more than 300 species of plants, shrubs and trees conducive to biodiversity

Send us your project request